I’d like to believe that you have activated the Reflective Thinking Skill during this first week of 2024! 

 In my own reflection I am holding space for the fact that I failed the coveted Project Management Professional exam in 2023. Had I passed, I would have been so proud of myself.  

But I didn’t. I failed. 

Has anything in 2023 left a taste of disappointment on your tongue? That exam failure was mine. 

But I also have many wins from business to parenting to relationships and personal fitness and health.  

And, oh my precious prayer life! 

Juicy victories.  

So, I am also reveling in celebration! 

How are you handling your own setback?  Are you also celebrating your wins? 

I will continue to fail forward because I am fully equipped with the Thinking Framework. It is my secret sauce

But guess what? 

I have something else too – A formidable combo. 

I also have my supreme secret sauce. 

Don’t worry, you will get to taste it too 😊 

In 2024 we will unveil the best version of ourselves by starting from the inside out.  

Yes, we are going to zoom in to focus on our own values, motives, perceptions, and behavior to evaluate how each of these components impact our results. It is time we examine not just the world around us but also the lens through which we see the world. 

Yes, we need our focused thinking skill for 2024. 

Together, we will mix the ingredients to Think for A Change by John Maxwell and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey, to Live Beyond the Splinter and Reclaim Your Promise of Your Peace & Profit from Anxiety’s Grip Through Prayer, by Angela Gibson. 

Stay tuned, 2024 is your year to know you so you can grow you.  

Are you ready? 

Keep hanging out with the Eve Speaks team. 

We are fierce in our commitment to help you to continue to Heal, Aspire & Grow

Your Biggest Cheerleaders, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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