Spiritual Growth is Everything.

The Pfizer Vaccine vs. the Moderna Vaccine is the talk of towns all over the world. People want to live.

Rational people. People with healthy minds.

I want to live too.

But to truly live, your Spirit must always be sprouting new promises and possibilities. And always be giving birth.

Amidst massive fear and skepticism about whether or not the vaccines are safe when compared to the ravages of Covid-19, my guess is more and more people will risk the plunge.

And this makes sense in light of the current and projected death toll attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As of the date of this post, the death toll is 329, 411 souls. And this number only represents the United States of America.

Each day that goes by, an additional thirty-five hundred plus deaths are reported.

Mothers, Fathers, Aunts and Uncles are being snatched in record-breaking time.

And I dare not forget to highlight the husbands and wives who have been suffocated in a kind of package deal.

Death’s Deal.

The stories are heartbreaking.

I read an account of a couple who died holding hands in the intensive care unit.

Even to their last gasp, they honored their vows. Death didn’t blink an eye.

Twenty-twenty, the year of reckless, heartless slaughter.

The carnage has left survivors reeling.

Depression, despair and despondency are like thick smog hanging over every conversation, aspiration and resolution for 2021.

Yet, I have decided to hope. To look back at 2020, but not stare.

I have decided to recommit myself to my process to continue to heal, aspire and grow.

These are the hallmarks of Spiritual Growth.

Will you join me?

Daily, I inoculate my mind against doubt, despair and despondency.

Those mental thugs.

Spiritual Growth must never be left to chance. It must become a habit.


I am glad you asked.

Start with a commitment to a routine, a morning ritual, a decision to show up for you.

I practice the Miracle Morning routine recommended by Hal Elrod. It takes approximately one hour. There are 6 components. The first letter of each component together spells the word ‘S.A.V.E.R.S.’

Aren’t you worth saving?

Here they are:

Silence – take time to pray or meditate.

Affirmations – stand in front of your mirror and speak life into your life.

Visualization – What would your life look like if you persisted to heal, aspire and grow?

Exercise – Do some push-ups or something that gets your heart rate pumping. I #jumpthefat.

Reading – Decorate your mind. Read something uplifting.

Scribing – Document your thoughts and emotions in a journal. Track you growth.

Oh, and by the way, set your timer for 10 minutes per segment. It will prevent you from wondering about the laundry, the grocery list and whether or not you remembered to defrost the chicken for dinner.

Your spiritual growth deserves an hour each day, doesn’t it?

Don’t you deserve an hour? It is time for your breakthrough.

Sign up here for your personalized coaching consultation and begin your 2021 Spiritual Growth journey.

Register for our upcoming event   ‘Why is Spiritual Growth Important?’  by joining our Facebook group, ‘Angie Speaks: Stronger Than Splinters.’

What are your thoughts on spiritual growth?

Do you already have a routine? Do share how it is helping you to grow!

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