How has it been going?


It’s been a little hectic on my end.

I just returned from a mini trip to Jamaica!

So worth it!

I just have to ask again,

Are your wounds robbing you of your vision for your life?

Are you letting it happen on your watch?!

Once upon a time, neither you nor anyone else could not have convinced me that I would be able enjoy this simple moment at one point in my life.

My whole vision and perspective were so hijacked by anxiety and hopelessness.

But God tells me this in Joel 2:25:

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm,”

You have the power and the authority to snatch your life, your, dreams, your ambitions and your promise back from the pit of despair.

I would know.

And if you can’t believe it for yourself right now,

Do me this favor, will you?

Borrow my belief for you and in you — for now…❤

At least, until you get your vision back.

I really want that for you.

Pick up my book here and read my story.

What do you need healing from?

Your Biggest Cheer Leader,

Angela Gibson

Growth Coach & Entrepreneur

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