When you ‘Musturbate, you, self-sabotage. It is a cognitive distortion. 

So let me clarify. 

According to Albert Ellis, a renowned psychologist, and founder of the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Musturbation occurs when you cling to rigid, absolutist beliefs about how things should or must be. 

Do you know anyone like that? Are you that person? 

Let us go deeper. 

Do you impose inflexible rules on yourself or on others and the world around you? 

Listen to this statement as examples of Musturbation: 

“I must always be successful.” 

“Other must always treat me fairly.” 

“I should never make mistakes.” 

Think of the times when you have burdened yourself or someone else with these unrealistic expectations.  

How did you feel? 

Does frustration, anger and disappointment ring bells? 

Musturbation’ almost never matches up to rigid standards. 

It is a close cousin to ‘Should-ing.’ 

When you Shouldon yourself or on others, you believe what should have been done differently or what others should do. 

Here are some examples: 

  • “They should have called me back.’ 
  • “I should exercise more.” 
  • “I should have known better.” 

Just stop doing this to yourself.  

Just like its relative Musturbation, it leads to feelings of guilt, self-blame, and dissatisfaction. It prevents you from accepting reality and nurtures constant pressure to focus on what you should have done. 

These are the perfect ingredients for keeping you flying at low altitudes assuming you even get off the ground at all. 

Let the Eve Speaks team coach to your altitude as you seize the opportunity to heal, aspire and grow. 

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Schedule your consultation today.  

Your Biggest Cheerleaders, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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