
How is your Summer going? 

Have you given further thought to how you may be engaging in self-sabotage due to inaccurate thinking? 

Now that we have completed our review of the various cognitive distortions that hijack our Promise and our Possibility, I will now shift our attention to how we may ‘choose to think for a change.’ 

This is the only path to your Altitude. 

You see, I can only stand to listen to problems for a little while and then I want to know about solutions. 

Or just stop talking to me.  

I am serious. 

Cognitive distortions are PROBLEMS. 

Here is the first of the eleven ways to think for a change that we will explore over the next few months that is focused on the SOLUTION – Your Altitude. 

I bet you like the sound of this better 😊 

So what if you could see the Wisdom of Big Picture Thinking? 

I recently had an experience with some folks who were just so focused on personality issues that they stifled life out of the promise of a fantastic opportunity for collaboration. 

Small thinkers focus on differences of opinion, conflicts, and frustrations. All of which will do only one thing –BURN down your altitude. 

My recommendation? 

“Let us take the conversation offline and mediate our way through peaceful means. Thus, giving each team member the opportunity to air out their grievance and chart a healthy course forward so that we can reach our goal.”  

But no, 

Feelings prevailed to the point where logic went out the window. And meetings to talk, discuss and acknowledge differences were rejected. 

But what if each person valued and revered the Wisdom of Big Picture Thinking? 

How eager would they have been to focus on winning the war instead of being sucked in and suffocated by the battles that are inherent in every relationship? 

Do you realize the impact that the Wisdom of Big Picture Thinking could have in your own life right now? 

If you have not, consider this statistic: over 80% of American households are led by single mothers… 

This represents, Broken homes. Broken friendships. Broken hearts. 

Could the wisdom of big picture thinking have saved at least 25% of this outrageous number? 

So where do you need to apply the Wisdom of Big Picture Thinking ? 

The team here at Eve Speaks is ready to help to clear the clutter.  

Schedule your consultation today! 

Your Cheerleaders: 

The Eve Speaks team 

Heal. Aspire. Grow 

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