Who you do you love?❤️? 

The mushy, warm feelings have their place. But I’m not talking about that. 

Those feelings and sensations are like the weather. 

As I write this note it is 6 degrees in New York! 

Six stinking degrees… 

Bone-chilling mess. 

And get this, 

The forecast for next week is around 60 degrees! 

A doggone heatwave comparatively speaking… 

This is not the picture of Love. 

Love is constant. It is action. 

 Not a feeling. 

It is 1st Corinthians 13. 

Go ahead and read it here

To be honest though, I want the feelings, the butterflies, the fuzzies. 


Don’t you? 

But I am growing. I aspire to become the next best version of me in 2023 and beyond. 

How about you? 

Let’s grow together in loving ❤️  

Loving ourselves first. 

Schedule your free consultation here. Let’s chat about your personal development goals to heal, aspire and grow with the Eve Speaks team. 

I will always be, 

Your Biggest, 


Angela Gibson

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