It’s that time of year again when you and I can consider how blessed we are to still have breath in our lungs and the privilege to reflect on 2023. 

I repeat. The privilege… 

Just these past three months, three people with whom I have either shared a meal, gone to church with, laughed and talked with are now six feet under. 

I am stunned, bewildered, and sobered by the brevity of life and the sting of death. 

We are running around on borrowed time. And as much as we try to busy ourselves with the immediate demands of daily life, we cannot escape the reality that our time will also come when we must leave these shores to meet our Creator. 

So, I am pressed to ask you, what did you think was possible for you in 2023? In what area did you have high hopes for growth, but nothing happened? Nothing changed?  


Can you afford to repeat the same cycle in next year?  

Because I believe in your potential and your promise, I invite you to press the reset button and relish the energy of Possibility thinking as we venture into 2024! 

Possibility thinking has some fabulous perks that you deserve to enjoy. And the biggest one is that it urges you to rise above average. 

I am so tickled by the thinking framework that we have been exploring for the last 6 months. 


Because it feeds an upward spiral that spurs that compounds growth. Imagine that you decide to engage in Possibility thinking just because you read this post? It will dovetail into the following thinking skills that you may not have reviewed in previous posts. Here they are again now: 

  1. The Wisdom of Big Picture Thinking  
  1. Power of Focused Thinking  
  1. Reflective Thinking  
  1. Strategic Thinking  
  1. Realistic Thinking 
  1. Possibility Thinking 

So, it really does not matter where you start in adopting these vital thinking skills. The most important thing is that you start now.  

Too much is at stake. The greatest of which is your destiny. 

Go ahead schedule your personalized consultation today and start thinking for a change. 

Happy Holidays! 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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