How are you?

It’s crazy right?!  

March is nearly over. The first quarter is almost gone.  

Like smoke.  


You may have had some success already. I really hope you have… 

Success is super important. I love both the promise of success and success itself. 

It fuels my growth journey.  

I bet you do too. 

No one signs up for anything that is doomed to failure. 

But can I tell you something? 

Lean in. 

Come closer… 

Many of us are so busy celebrating success that we neglect to document how to reproduce it first in ourselves and then in others. 

So, the result is a one-hit wonder. 

Do you know some artists and actors like that?  

They publish the song that captivates us for a couple of years and then you never hear from them again.  

And you’re left salivating for more of their magic which never comes. 

What happened to so and so, we wonder… 


This is how success seduces us. 

But let me recommend this remedy: 

Master ‘Big Picture Thinking.


Mastery is superior to breakthrough. 

Mastery is when you can reproduce success for both yourself and others. In this, you are not only blessed, but you are also a blessing. 

Aspire to be a blessing.

Therein lies great fulfillment because you may just be someone’s destiny helper. 

Have you scheduled your growth conversation yet? 

Do it today. Do it now. 

Your Biggest Cheer Leader, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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