What do you say when you talk to yourself? 

I have to ask you this really weird question 🙂 

Have you ever caught yourself eavesdropping on your own conversation? 


You know, you’re busy doing all the things you do each day but then you realize, there is an entire other conversation going on at the same time in your head which often spills out of your lips? 

It happened to me this week. 

It’s called chatter.  

It turned out that I had inadvertently sent my cost to our competitor in error. Typically, I mark up my cost and send my selling price to my clients or competitors, but not this time. I totally exposed my hand.  

So now my competitor has the advantage. Ouch! 

The moment I realized I had sent the email, my heart sank.  But then I told myself that they probably wouldn’t notice since the correspondence about the numbers was in a stream of earlier emails I had been having with one of my business partners. 

So I continued working.  

Tryna ignore, tryna be all ‘executive’ sitting there at my desk. You know how we do. We pretend:) 

But my mind kept harping on the error. 

‘Stupid.’ How could you have done that?’ 

Blah, blah, blah… 

I was talking to myself; rebuking myself mercilessly for my error. 

It was a live stream scenario. Mental playback with rewind and fast forward capabilities. 

Negative chatter, it’s the worst. 

Have you ever done that? Are you still doing that? 

Have you made some mistakes? 

Who hasn’t? 

Is it reasonable for me to assume that there is at least one mistake that you have made that continues to haunt you? 

And here you are today still hemmed up in the same area from 15 years ago? 

If I were a gambling woman, I’d wage a bet that negative chatter is one of the main reasons why you’re living in ‘stuckdom.’ 

But you can shut down the negative chatter.

I have learned that my mistakes can either be a stepping stone or a tombstone. 

I get to choose to fail intelligently. I choose to fail forward daily. 

So can you. 

But first, you need the tools to learn to build a solid relationship.

A healthy relationship. One where love and tenderness with you is your default.

Clearly, I have not mastered this area. But here is what I can confidently declare, I am not stuck in any area of my life.

You know why that is? I have learned to cherish myself. I forgive myself, I hug myself and I stand up for myself. I am my biggest cheerleader.

I am constantly getting stronger at my broken places.

But first I had to learn how.

I want you to learn how too.

I invite you to come to grow with me.

Watch our previous webinar here. Learn what to say when you talk to yourself. You too can live beyond the Splinter.

And remember that all day long and every day, I remain and will always be, 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

Angela Gibson 

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