Have you ever been seduced?

I have. 

Now that I have confessed, hopefully, you feel more at ease, to be honest, 😊 

I have been seduced by food and fears, anxiety and the sexy dress, and yes by the guy of my dreams. 

The truth is we have all been seduced by someone or something. We may not be ready to admit it, but that is irrelevant. 

The truth will always be the Truth. 

And more recently I have experienced a holy seduction

What blasphemy?! 

Yes, girl, God himself seduced me. 


With some delicious and delectable Words. 

Here is what He said to me… 

“Call upon me and I will show you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” 

 – Jeremiah 33:3 

He invited me to tea because He wants to spill the Tea. He wants to tell me His secrets

Can you imagine? 

And don’t you want to know things that other people are dying to know? 

I want to know those things that I do not even know I should know. This will get me to my altitude. 

He is inviting you to Tea too. 

If only you would recognize the invitation and accept it. 

Just maybe, you would intercept and interrogate your altitude hijackers. 

Catastrophizing is another attitude that keeps us self-sabotage. 

Here is an example of this hijacker in action: 

Imagine someone is worried about a job interview. If they catastrophize, they might imagine themselves failing the interview, being unemployed forever, and experiencing financial ruin. They may ignore the fact that they have relevant skills and qualifications, previous successes, or the potential for other job opportunities. By catastrophizing, they are distorting the situation and causing themselves unnecessary distress. 

Are you doing this to yourself in any area of your life right now? Do you need some coaching to help you identify how you are indulging in this cognitive distortion? 

Let the Eve Speaks team cheerlead you to the next best version of you once you take the bold step to heal, aspire, and grow.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube Channel for more updates.

Schedule your consultation today.  

Your Biggest Cheerleaders, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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