
It’s me again, your biggest Cheerleader! 

So how is your transformation journey going since my last note? 

Have you identified a specific area that needs that 180 degrees turnaround? Tell me about it in our Facebook group here. 

So, because I have decided that transformation is everything, I am still pursuing ‘the zero to hero conversation,’ which was the topic of our August 21, 2021, event.  For me to continue to experience ‘Peace Beyond the Splinter,’ I must. 

So here is the thing, for you and me to stay on the growth highway, we must suck up to discipline. 

No discipline, No dice. 

There is no pretty way to tell you the truth.  

We can talk the talk all we want about ‘transformation, contagious hope, going from zero to hero, and Living Beyond the Splinter,’ until the cows come home, but without a decision to put systems and routines in place to grow our discipline, we are just flapping our gums. 

Are you into the gum flapping business? 

I hope not! 

Without discipline, you will find yourself speeding to the nearest exit off the growth highway. There are countless excuse exits that litter this highway like garbage on the street. 

If you find that you are stuck, still waiting to be transformed, you are very familiar with the exits. 

Discipline is helping me to ignore them. It will help you too. 

Discipline requires us to follow up on and do what we have to do when we need to do it. 

But let’s start at the beginning. 

Would you take this week to find a quiet place to sit and write down all the things that matter most to you? 

I have recently completed this exercise. I have found that identifying those things that are the most important to me propels me towards discipline.  

Try it. 

I bet you’ll find that when you have a burning ‘yes’ inside, you will automatically generate the fuel to do what you need to do when you need to do it. 

But I am not delusional either. I recognize that life can and often interferes with our best intentions. But writing down those things that are super important to you will help you to live with intention. 

Go ahead and make that list. And we will catch up in September. 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

Angela Gibson 

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