Happy new you in 2022! 

How has the first week of January been for you? 

It’s a sexy thing, isn’t it, to dream and to aspire? 

This year I dream about writing another book, I dream to become more fluent in Signed Language, I dream to start my garden and, I dream to grow in my impact with the Eve Speaks Platform to help more people and especially women to Heal, Aspire and Grow. 

I love to dream. 

It is my sneak preview of what’s possible. 

But I have grown a little cautious. Cautious because while dreaming excites me, it’s equally important that I’m aware of the dream killers. Too often I have pursued my dreams with a level of naivete that has proven toxic to the demonstration of my dreams. 

If you are like most people, you have made some declarations for 2022, but unless you and I manage the dream killers, we will fail to see the manifestation of our declarations at the end of 2022. 

So here are 3 dream killers for you to manage this year if you intend to be more than a dreamer: 

1. Your Immaturity 

2. Other People’s Insecurity 

3. Your Inactivity 


This is going to sting a little. Big girl panties required 

First, it is immature to tell everyone about your dream. Not everyone can handle it. Your good news is not good for everyone. 

And if you’re not able to discern who the right people are to tell your dreams too, it ok. I didn’t either. But now I do because I have been coached. 

Do you believe in being mentored #name? or are you too immature to ask for help? 

Secondly, you must manage other people’s insecurity. How can you do that? Well, first recognize that your decision and action that demonstrate that you are serious about your growth will trigger those around you, who insists on lounging in mediocrity, will want to regulate you to the old version of you. 


Because they are comfortable with you hiding, being stuck, playing small. And if you stay in this state, you will remain their bosom buddies. 

But understand that your responsibility is to act upon your God-given assignment. You cannot afford to be derailed by other peoples’ insecurity. 

Tick Tock, Tick Tock…. 

And just know that your decision to heal, aspire and grow will be the greatest contribution even to the folks who would have preferred that you stay small. 

Just watch, wait, and see. Those same people will need your help at some point. 

Thirdly, your inactivity. Yes, you must manage your backside. Get up! Do what you know you need to do when you need to do it! 

Just this past Saturday, I had to preach to myself so I could leave my cozy blanket, besides my warm hubby to get dressed and step outside in a 21-degree temperature for my Zumba class. Every ounce of my mind and body said ‘no,’ but I got up and walked to the gym. 

It was such a fun class! 

One last thing, not only do you need a strategy for your growth, you need systems that will support your growth. 

Not sure what this means for you especially? 

No worries, that’s why I am here. Do contact my team to schedule your personal consultation. 


I am and will always be your Biggest CheerLeader! 

Angela Gibson

Life Coach & Entrepreneur

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