How was your week? 

I think a better question to ask is ‘how was your thinking for the past 7 days?

Not sure how to determine the quality of your thinking?  

Let me help you… 

 Here is the checklist framework for thinking well. You, my friend must find: 

  • A Place to Think Your Thoughts 
  • A Place to Shape Your Thoughts 
  • A Place to Stretch Your Thoughts 
  • A Place to Land Your Thoughts 
  • A Place to Fly Your Thoughts 

Oh, and, yes, in case you were wondering, I have officially become a fanatic about the thinking framework

Thinking well is everything. 

God said it first. Check out the scriptures. Specifically, Philippians 4:8-10 

I have had to confront and accept the reality that I am where I am today in my life because of yesterday’s thinking. And wherever I end up tomorrow will be because of my thinking today. 

Think about your life right now. How do you feel about where you are? Where are you headed? How are you doing? Are you fulfilled? Are you on a growth journey? Are you swamped by regret? Do you distract yourself to avoid thinking about your life? 

Or maybe you are deliriously happy…😊 

Whatever the case may be, 

Do you now grasp the gravity of the impact of your thoughts? 

Reflective thinking is one of the most powerful thinking skills we can acquire and nurture. Here on the Eve Speaks platform, we continue to flaunt the importance of healing, aspiring, and growing. 

You tell your psyche that you are serious about your growth when you reserve time in your calendar to reflect. 

So, the thinking framework plus the skills for mastering effective thinking are the keys to the kingdom. I have spent several weeks rehearsing the framework.  So far, I have only discussed two of the thinking skills. But in this post, I have introduced the third skill – reflective thinking

Here is the checklist: 

Over the next several months, we will continue to explore more thinking skills. I hope you continue to embrace the journey to think well. 

It is a game changer. Your transition and your transformation are entwined in your reflective discipline. 

But before I go, here are some suggestions for reflection when you go to your thinking place: 

  • Your Values 
  • Your Relationships 
  • How you show love 
  • Your Finances 
  • Your Career 
  • Your God 
  • How are you adding value to other people’s lives? 

As you reflect, ask yourself good questions about each of these.  Your answers will give you insight into your track record for how well you have been thinking all these years. 

And finally, schedule your personalized consultation to take the DISC Personality Assessment here because, to grow you, you must get to know you better. 

Remember, our coaching platform remains, 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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