Isn’t it just scary sometimes how fast time flies?

It feels like only last week we were saying Happy New Year to 2021, through gritted teeth and criss-cross fingers hoping that 2020 would forever be forgotten and left in the doldrums of history.

But here we are in July, rapidly rushing to August! We are now on 56% done with 2021.

Wild right!?

Time is precious.

So I continue to remind myself that I can spend my life doing anything I want, BUT, I can spend it only once.

So I audit myself frequently.

Yes. I take inventory of my personal growth plan in four strategic areas. They include:

a. Physical Health
b. Emotional Health
c. Financial Health
d. Spiritual Health

What goals did you have for 2021?

Did you consider a personal growth plan?

Honestly, I didn’t even consider my need for a growth plan until I was in my 30s. I am now 50.

I didn’t even know that I was supposed to have one.

Not once did my academic experience focus on personal development. Isn’t that insane?

Maybe I was absent the day that lesson was taught? Lol!

I doubt that very much. Since personal growth and development is never and could never be a single experience.

So here is the thing, I had to take matters into my own hands. And I have become an avid practitioner of personal growth and development.

This is why I am so excited about the Eve Speaks platform.

Our bedrock is to Heal, Aspire & Grow.

I love to add value to people’s lives by encouraging them to Live beyond the Splinter in their lives.

Was your academic experience any different?

Do you think you could or would have benefitted from a personal growth plan? How do you think your life would have been different if you had been exposed to its importance?

I often wonder about the difference it would have made for me.

But, what matters now is that I am no longer in the passenger seat of my own life.

And you don’t need to be either.

Assuming you do not have a personal growth plan, would you like to pursue the next best version of you?

If so, be sure to book your consultation at our website here


Angela Gibson 

Life Coach & Entrepreneur 

 Heal. Aspire. Grow. 

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