Lack of awareness remains the primary reason most people keep their citizenship in ‘Stuckdom’ while others intentionally renew their visa. 

The Eve Speaks team can help the former.  

The latter?  

We cannot. 

Yes, there are folks who choose to fly at exceptionally low altitudes because they prefer toxic attitudes. 

The desire to heal, aspire and grow will always remain an inside job. Our team can only help you with your journey. 

So here is the second way that people self-sabotage. 

They Label.  

Labeling is a type of cognitive distortion that involves assigning global, negative labels to oneself or others based on one’s actions, thoughts, or beliefs. This type of thinking can be very damaging because it oversimplifies complex situations and people, leading to harsh judgments and unnecessary suffering. 

For example, someone might label themselves as a “failure” because they made a mistake at work, or label someone else as “stupid” because they did not understand something right away. These labels are not only inaccurate but also unhelpful, as they can lead to feelings of shame, self-doubt, and anxiety. 

To overcome labeling as a cognitive distortion, it is important to practice cognitive restructuring techniques such as questioning the evidence for negative labels, considering alternative explanations and interpretations, and focusing on positive qualities and strengths.  

With practice, individuals can learn to replace negative self-talk and judgment with more compassionate and accurate ways of thinking. 

Have you labeled yourself correctly? How about your children, spouse, or neighbor? 

Our team of coaches are ready, willing, and able to help you identify this poisonous venom that threatens your potential and possibility and your promise. 

Schedule your consultation today. 

Your biggest cheerleader, 

The EveSpeaks Team 

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