Depending on the lens you were looking through in 2020, you may have found very little if anything at all to be thankful for.

But if you have honed the gratitude habit, you will see plenty.

And you will heal.

Like you, I see the overwhelming evidence to support cynicism, depression and hopelessness while doubt, despondency and disappointment compete for my undivided attention.

It’s real ya’ll.

This post does not seek to dismiss, deny nor diminish your evidence.

It is as if calamities conspired on December 31, 2019  to strike deadly blows on 2020 simultaneously.

I imagine Covid-19, economic collapse and political unrest sat around a robust campfire as they sipped hot chocolate while chewing on s’mores on a bitter, blustery wintry night and declared 2020  the year of hell.

I have seen the tears and sorrow of many, I have cried and prayed for a few in fervent prayer

And yes, I too have wondered ‘why?’

But I have accepted that ‘why’ is not always answered, so I focus on nurturing the healing habit instead.

Plus, it’s 2021 now.

We get to press reset. We get to choose our attitude.

Besides, I’m so done with the conspiracy theories.

So, for all the screaming, raspy voices yelling pick me, pick me, pick me.

Shut them all down.

Pick Gratitude. It’s a quiet whisper. Your balm in Gilead. It will soothe your battered soul.

Perhaps a better question to ask instead of ‘why’ is ‘why heal?’

In my book entitled. ‘Peace Beyond the Splinter,’ I share my personal journey to navigate debilitating anxiety and the potency of the medicine that I ingest daily.

Therefore I am qualified. I represent theory and tactics.

I am your ultimate ‘heal’ cheerleader.

Furthermore, here are the 4 laws you will need in 2021 to build any habit according to James Clear.

  1. Make it Obvious
  2. Make it Attractive
  3. Make it Easy
  4. Make it Satisfying

 So, now it’s on you.

Do you really want to heal? Or would it just be nice to heal? Is it just a good idea?

Those are all good reasons. But they will not cut the cheddar.

You need strong medicine.

Here are my recommendations:

  1. Write done ten things you are grateful for each morning.
  2. Stand in front of your mirror.
  3. Raise your voice
  4. Repeat for 10 minutes, ‘ I am grateful for ___________.
  5. Contact me at and let me know how you’re doing.
  6. Rinse and Repeat.

Remember, I am your biggest fan! I get excited to help you heal.

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