Happy New You In 2022!!

So, I’m excited for the new year because the possibilities that exist are endless. I am a strong believer in hope. I believe everyone should be imbued with hope, insulated with hope, and blessed with hope.

However, hope is not a strategy.

Hope is not a strategy for personal development and growth.

One of my past blunders in my growth journey was to ask myself, ‘Can I?’

A better question I have learned instead is to ask, ‘How can I?’

The difference is subtle.  But the impact is massive.

To ask myself, ‘can I?’ is to doubt, to hesitate, and to delay. But when I asked myself, how can I?,’ I opened the windows of mental possibility.

Why is this shift important for you too?

According to experts human beings only use about 10% of their mental capacity which means that we are 100 acres of possibility and are sitting on 90%.

Ninety Percent of your music is unsung!

Isn’t that a staggering statistic? Imagine with me what you are capable of but have not yet manifested?

Consider these 4 areas for your Personal Development and Growth:

Financial Breakthrough

  • Emotional Resilience
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Relational Abundance
  • Financial Breakthrough

And if you claimed this year as the year for you initiated the process to unleash the remaining ninety percent of all the greatness that is you?

  • Who would you be?
  • What would you do?
  • Where would you go?
  • How much money would you make?
  • Who would benefit from your impact?

Can you see the new you in your mind’s eye?

Now ask yourself, the question that matters,

‘How can I?’

Send me an email at angela@evespeaks.com and let me tell you how…

Let’s get you a strategy that works.

Who am I?

I am and will always remain,

Your Biggest Cheerleader!

Angela Gibson

Life Coach & Entrepreneur

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