I hope 2022 has been good to you! 

More importantly, though, have you been good to you?  

I know that at this stage in our lives we are all done with the Santa Claus fantasy😊 

So only you and I are accountable for whether we have been naughty or nice to ourselves. Only then, will we have the capacity to reciprocate the goodness that we have practiced on ourselves to others. 

As 2022 rolls into 2023, I hope that you will join me in deep reflection.  

I have learned that experience is worthless unless it is evaluated; that experience by itself, contrary to popular belief, is not the best teacher. 

Yes, only evaluated experience is. 

I have learned a lot about me this year. I have learned that conflict brings on great anxiety. And so, I am actively employing tools that will help me adjust my historical response to conflict. 

It is the only way that I will continue to Heal, Aspire and Grow. 

In what area (s) do you need to Heal, Aspire & Grow in 2023? I would love to hear all about it. 

Any idea why? 

You guessed it! 

I remain and will always be,  

Your biggest Cheerleader! 

Angela Gibson 

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