Have you ever been confused? 

As a new and nervous driver, I’d often get very confused on the road especially at night.  

One night while driving home, I realized that I was driving on the wrong side of the road because a baffled motorist honked me so hard as he passed me by to alert me to my folly. 

Boy, was I grateful! 

 I still am. 

In terms of my personal growth and development, I was confused too. I assumed that goals and growth were the same. 

No one ever told me differently, so I deduced that if I have goals then it’s all good. I am good. 

Society believes this too. 

Have you ever noticed that after a big success, many people just chill? 

Do you know why that is? 

We subconsciously believe that we have ‘arrived.’ 

Consider this question, 

If your life depended on it, what would be your choice, 

Goals or Growth? 

Are you also on the wrong side of the road? 

I was wrong, society is wrong and,  well, 

 You’re probably wrong too 🙂 

Goals will get you going, but Growth keeps you growing.  

‘Goals are seasonal. Growth is Lifelong.’ 

Consider me your ‘honk.’ 

Beeeep! Beep! beep! 


In my last note to you, I was talking to you about pigeons, eagles and ducks. 

Do you remember that? 

So, I am still hanging out with the birds.

But, not just any bird.  

I am courting Eagles.  

I know, I know. 

 I sound like I am discriminating. 


I am. 

I had to learn the hard way.  I only invest my time with those who value the SOAR. 

None of us can google download ambition. I cannot rent, loan, or sell it. 

I can’t even entice you into it. 

It is an inside job. 

A job that each person must want and apply for with Action. 

You have to see the need to get on the right side of the road. 

I KNOW that you need a growth plan.  

Everyone does. 

But not everyone does something about it. 

But, I am confident that you will. 

So, hurry! Get on the right side of the road… 

Let’s extract the Eagle within you! Let the Eve Speaks team help you get your SOAR on! 

Visit this link, to schedule your free personalized self-development consultation today. 



Don’t you ever forget that I am, and will forever remain, 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

Angela Gibson 

Life Coach & Entrepreneur 

Heal. Aspire. Grow. 

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