Have you ever felt smacked around by reality? This was the week of my discontent.  

A mom, a close family friend of mine, found her son dead in his apartment. Nothing beats that smackdown.  

But life is merciless. It delivered the one-two punch when at least three (3) business deals my team and I had been working on with the City of New York were frozen due to budget cuts. And another client owes my business a whopping $340,000.00 since May. To make matters worse they keep stringing us along about when they will pay their invoice. 

The reality is they don’t have the money right now. 

But let’s take the focus off me for a moment. Consider the carnage and devastation in Israel and Palestine. Thousands slaughtered. Untold Trauma. Those poor children… 

Reality Bites. 

It is not surprising that most people avoid realistic thinking. Nevertheless, if we are going to heal, aspire and grow, we must embrace Realistic thinking.  

Yes, give Realistic thinking a huge hug. 

Realistic thinking is your catalyst for change.  If you’re like me, you would rather indulge in hope instead of realistic thinking.  

I love Hope. 

Hope is sexy. But hope is not a strategy for growth. 

Hope gives me a warm and fuzzy feel. But, if we only rely on hope, we buy into the delusion that success and achievement are out of our hands. And we indulge in accidental instead of intentional growth.  

This approach insults God.  

You see, our potential is God’s gift to us. Our developed potential is our gift to God. So realistically, can you grow without a growth plan? If so, how is that working out for you? Is the strategy working? 


But wait, did you engage in strategic thinking to come up with your growth plan? 

My guess is you did not. 

So, let’s review the thinking skills within the thinking framework that will facilitate real change: 

There is nothing like reality staring us in the face to make us recognize the need for change. It is either we get real or get lost in our journey through this life.  

So, schedule your personalized consultation today.  

As always, the Eve Speaks team remains, 

Your Biggest Cheer Leader, 

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