Summer is winding down, but my hope for you is that you are in full gear; priming yourself for the next best version of you.  

All I want for you is ‘higher.’ 

And, I hope that ‘higher’ is all that you want for yourself too. 

Higher is where the eagles hang out. 

I love me some eagles. 

How about you? 

They are just so above the fray. They don’t do small. They don’t do low.  

All they do is soar. 

Have you been hanging out with ducks?;  acting like a duck because you’re afraid to stand out? 

But deep down you know that there is a soar locked up in your belly? 

If you’ve been enrolled in duck school, it’s time to graduate. Turn this Summer into your stepping up ceremony. 

You see, I grew up in Jamaica, I grew up around ducks.  

No offense. But those are some nasty creatures. Lol! 

They eat anything,  kinda like pigeons. 

Don’t get me started with the pigeons. They are probably worse than the ducks. All they do is scope out crumbs. 

The ‘crumbs’ mindset. It’s the worst. I don’t do crumbs. 

You shouldn’t either. 

I am all about the soar. 

If you and I are going to soar, we have to continue to level up and upgrade our growth capacity.  

Too often when people think of capacity, they think of their limitations. But I am learning that my capacity is a matter of my mindset. 

And specifically,  my growth mindset is all about how far I want to go; how far I believe I can go in my spiritual/mental/emotional growth, my relational growth, my financial growth, and my physical (health) growth? 

This month our Eve Speaks community is laser-focused on our relational growth. Specifically, the relationship we have with ourselves. 

My soar began when I became intentional about my relationship with myself. When I decided that good intentions we’re not the same as living with intention. And that if I were to graduate from duck school, I had to qualify.  

Well, I got my diploma. And, I was so out! 

How did I do it? 

I developed daily routines to remind me that I am capable, I am worthy, and I am intuitive. Heck, I am brilliant in my giftedness. 

And so are you, my love. 

So are you. 

We just got to get you to believe. It’s time to dump the crumbs. Leave the herd behind and begin your soar. 

You too can go from ZERO TO HERO in your own life. 

Start your journey here

Start with loving you. 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

Angela Gibson 

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