How was your week? Have you taken inventory of your growth for the last 7 days? 

As we continue the attitude to altitude conversation, let’s go deeper. Let’s do the surgery on ourselves to escape self-sabotage.  

Warning: It may be painful. 

But you are a trooper. You are all about self-development. So, consider this as one possibility of how you may be stunting your growth… 

Consider whether you engage in emotional reasoning.  

Emotional reasoning is a cognitive distortion that involves making decisions or judgments based on our emotions rather than on evidence, facts, or logical reasoning.  

It can impact our attitude and behavior in several ways. 

Firstly, if we rely too much on our emotions to make decisions, we may be more likely to act impulsively or make choices that are not in our best interests. For example, if we feel anxious about a situation, we might avoid it altogether, even if it is important for our personal or professional growth. 

Secondly, emotional reasoning can also affect our attitude toward others. If we assume that our emotions are always accurate, we may be more likely to judge others based on our own feelings, rather than considering their perspective or circumstances. This can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and damaged relationships. 

Finally, emotional reasoning can also impact our overall mood and well-being. If we constantly rely on our emotions to guide us, we may become overwhelmed by negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, or sadness, which can lead to a negative outlook on life and decreased motivation to pursue our goals. 

Emotional reasoning can have a significant impact on our attitude and behavior, and it is important to be aware of this cognitive distortion to make decisions that are rational and balanced, and to cultivate healthy emotional regulation. 

I am confident that, just like me, you desire to fulfill your promise for your life, so it is critical that you and I always remember that our attitude determines your altitude. This means our attitude, or our mindset and perspective, significantly impacts our success and achievement in life. In other words, the way we approach challenges and opportunities can either limit or expand our potential. 

What decisions have you stalled because of emotional reasoning? Go ahead, and schedule your personalized coaching session today with the Eve Speaks Team and subscribe to our Youtube Channel for more updates. It is your season to heal, aspire and grow. 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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