Get out of the pile

Get out of the pile

Do you hate doing laundry like I do?  For me it’s just the whole process of sorting the clothes into various piles, categorizing them, and then the time that it takes to do the laundry.   Truthfully, I can’t stand it.  Sometimes it’s not even the...

Stop Tripping!

How is your Summer going?  I am planning to visit the African American Museum in Washington DC with my family. I cannot wait!  Many folks are taking trips but the Eve Speaks team is inviting you on our thinking trip. So, few people take this trip.  Could it...

What do you think about Fortune Tellers?

If you are like most people, you are intrigued by the idea of knowing your future.   I am too.  And it is also fun to play with the potential possibilities.  Isn’t it?  I mean, imagine being told you will win one million dollars on June...
Thou Shall Not MustURBATE

Thou Shall Not MustURBATE

When you ‘Musturbate,’ you, self-sabotage. It is a cognitive distortion.  So let me clarify.  According to Albert Ellis, a renowned psychologist, and founder of the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Musturbation occurs when you cling to rigid,...
Oh, Holy Seduction!

Oh, Holy Seduction!

Have you ever been seduced? I have.  Now that I have confessed, hopefully, you feel more at ease, to be honest, 😊  I have been seduced by food and fears, anxiety and the sexy dress, and yes by the guy of my dreams.  The truth is we have all been seduced by...
Does Your Self-Sabotage Look Like This?

Does Your Self-Sabotage Look Like This?

How was your week? Have you taken inventory of your growth for the last 7 days?  As we continue the attitude to altitude conversation, let’s go deeper. Let’s do the surgery on ourselves to escape self-sabotage.   Warning: It may be painful.  But...
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