Are you Next in Line?

Are you Next in Line?

So did you watch!?  Me too!  I was glued to the tube on February 12th.  To be completely transparent, I watched for one reason and one reason only…  Can you guess the reason?  I bet you can.  —Rihanna.  And the minute her...
Have you been Naughty or Nice to you?

Have you been Naughty or Nice to you?

I hope 2022 has been good to you!  More importantly, though, have you been good to you?   I know that at this stage in our lives we are all done with the Santa Claus fantasy😊  So only you and I are accountable for whether we have been naughty or...
New You in 2022!

New You in 2022!

Happy new you in 2022!  How has the first week of January been for you?  It’s a sexy thing, isn’t it, to dream and to aspire?  This year I dream about writing another book, I dream to become more fluent in Signed Language, I dream to start...
Bridge That Gap

Bridge That Gap

So if I had to guess, you’re probably already assessing your year. Perhaps you have reached your main goal for 2021. Maybe your aspirations are still in the incubator.   Loading?  Wow!   I celebrate you…  Or maybe there is a glitch, and...
Aspire to Build Quality Relationships

Aspire to Build Quality Relationships

Hi, Are you familiar with the Chase tagline?    It says, ‘ The right relationship is everything.’  I love that!  To what extent do you agree with JP Morgan Chase?  I have re-invigorated my aspiration to build strong relationships. The kind  of...
Aspire To Succeed

Aspire To Succeed

Hi,  It’s me again, your Biggest Cheerleader for all the things to inspire you to aspire to the next best version of you 😊  I am a bundle of excitement when I think of all the possibilities that are lying dormant within you and me. And that all we need to do...
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