
Are you familiar with the Chase tagline?  

 It says, ‘ The right relationship is everything.’ 

I love that! 

To what extent do you agree with JP Morgan Chase? 

I have re-invigorated my aspiration to build strong relationships. The kind  of relationships that perpetuate ‘Who Luck.’ 

Have you ever heard of  ‘Who Luck?’ 

Ask yourself this basic question:  “Who do I know that someone ought to know? 

Recently, I was introduced to the First Deputy Commissioner of the City of New York, by one of her colleagues who I have gotten to know really well. The conversation was energizing. And by the time it was over, I was told that I was being considered to become a member of their advisory board for Minority Women Business Enterprises for the New York City Government! 

I am thrilled! 

In other words, someone considered me worthy of the introduction to this high-profile official in the NYC government. 

This introduction is an example of someone intentionally adding value to me. 

So now, you guessed it, I am on the lookout to identify how and with whom to pass the same favor onto. 

These types of relationships where you are intentionally considering other people’s needs are rich, meaningful and so valuable that you are motivated to share them with others who could benefit from the introduction. 

But please don’t misunderstand.  

I am not endorsing the idea, that anyone should sit around and wait for the ‘hook up.’  

No, this is not what this is about. 

The core of this act is centered in the practice of intentionally building quality relationships that add value to others. It is not self-seeking. 

I did not ask to be introduced. 

And more importantly, if you were to ask me who do I know that you should know? First and foremost, I would say, you must meet my God.  

He is the most valuable relationship that I have! 

So, go ahead aspire to build quality relationships, but be sure to prioritize and aspire to what must be your #1 priority,  

——Your relationship with God. 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

Life Coach and Entrepreneur

Angela Gibson 

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