So, can I just tell you? I had such a beautiful launch into 2022.  

And I am still climbing, so there is still some turbulence. But I am surely getting to a comfortable altitude. 

On Monday nights at 9 p.m., I facilitate a prayer circle/accountability group of approximately 12 women. The end game is intentional, deliberate growth. Over the last two years, these women have become some of my dearest friends. I consider them a part of my tribe.  

So, on January 1, 2022, until January 21st, we committed ourselves to Fasting & Prayer. We were elated at the opportunity to show God that we wanted to know Him better.  

You wouldn’t guess what happened? 

God winked at us 😊 

To show him how serious I was, I even abstained from my husband’s delicious pot of Oxtails! I never thought I was capable of this monumental effort! 

Most of us sacrificed meat, dairy, and all kinds of processed foods and sweets for 21 days!!  

Someone even sacrificed social media! 

What story are your actions already telling about your commitment to your own growth in 2022? 

No judgment here… 


Have you established your personal growth plan yet? Is it written down? If you have, CONGRATULATIONS!! 

You’re on your way. 

 Now, your next step is to engage our team to walk beside you to cheer you on.  

I know you will need systems in place that will support your growth strategy. I know firsthand, that the best strategy is bound to fail without systems to give it momentum. 

If your ‘aircraft’ is still circling the runway 4 weeks into 2022, then you’ve got to do something different if you want a different outcome than you had in 2021. 

Strategies need Systems. 

Not sure what I am talking about? 

It’s time for you to stop circling the ‘runway.’ It is YOUR time for YOUR launch 

Contact me at or schedule your consultation on our website. Let us help you design the next best version of you. 

If you have not yet established your growth plan, let’s chat just the same. 

Let’s get you ready to Buckle Up for your Take-Off! 

I am, and will always remain,  

Your Biggest CheerLeader, 

Angela Gibson 

Life Coach & Entrepreneur 

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