So if I had to guess, you’re probably already assessing your year. Perhaps you have reached your main goal for 2021. Maybe your aspirations are still in the incubator.  



I celebrate you… 

Or maybe there is a glitch, and your aspirations are just buffering, showing promise and potential but just not loading. 

Don’t you just hate when your computer or your phone does that? 

Annoying is what that is!  

And, have you noticed that the buffering and glitching typical happen at the most inopportune moments?  

Like when you have a crushing deadline or an emergency phone call that you need to make?  

You’re nodding ‘yes.’ 

 I see you. 

Like omg, why do crises like to converge at like that? 

At the same stinking time! 

Gurl, I have no idea. 


Aspirations are magnets for glitches and buffering; showing lots of potential and promise but seldom load for most to experience all the radiance of the colors that are within them. 

I frequently perform gap analyses on myself. 

Gap Analyses? 

A gap analysis is the assessment of where you are versus where you’d like to be. It’s the delta. The difference. 

It is my reality check. It only deals with the facts. 

I love to aspire. Most people do. 

But just like our computers and iPhones, we are plugged in, fully charged but there is no display. 

So, we call tech support. 

Consider this note the answer to your help desk call. 

If you are to stop glitching and buffering, you must identify which of these of eight gaps are interfering with your circuitry, stunting your growth. 

Today I am telling you what the eight gaps are.  Then each week we will strive to bridge the gap between where you are and where you aspire to be in your self-development journey. 

Oh, and can I just tell you?  

You’ve got company! 

 I am already performing the same gap analysis on myself. 

Yes, gurl. I am already under the knife. I am in the operating room. Surgery is in session. 

So, your homework is for you to review the list of the gaps below and to consider which one may be hemming you up. 

Here we go: 

  1. Assumption Gap 
  2. Knowledge Gap 
  3. Timing Gap 
  4. Mistake Gap 
  5. Perfection Gap 
  6. Inspiration Gap 
  7. Comparison Gap 
  8. Expectation Gap 

It’s time to stop asking for permission to be great. I want to help you put the world on notice. 


I just love John Maxwell; I am learning so much from him. I am currently reading his book entitled the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. He delves deeply into each of the gaps listed above. 

You really should snatch a copy for yourself. 

You owe it to you to Heal. Aspire & Grow! 

I know, I do. 

As always, I am and will forever remain, 

Your Biggest Cheer Leader 

Angela Gibson 

Life Coach & Entrepreneur 

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