When was the last time you took inventory of your resting attitude? No, I am not talking about being irritated or being upset per se. I am referring to your signature attitude, the one that you wear like a coat or like that smoking outfit 🙂 Your personal...
So did you watch!? Me too! I was glued to the tube on February 12th. To be completely transparent, I watched for one reason and one reason only… Can you guess the reason? I bet you can. —Rihanna. And the minute her...
Who you do you love?❤️? The mushy, warm feelings have their place. But I’m not talking about that. Those feelings and sensations are like the weather. As I write this note it is 6 degrees in New York! Six stinking degrees… Bone-chilling...
How was your first week of 2023?! For me, 2022 had to be the longest 12 months ever. Maybe it was your shortest – you blinked and missed it. However, you perceived it, 2022 is gone forever. Now, what will you do with your 2023? FName, have...
I hope 2022 has been good to you! More importantly, though, have you been good to you? I know that at this stage in our lives we are all done with the Santa Claus fantasy😊 So only you and I are accountable for whether we have been naughty or...