
It’s me again, your Biggest Cheerleader for all the things to inspire you to aspire to the next best version of you 😊 

I am a bundle of excitement when I think of all the possibilities that are lying dormant within you and me. And that all we need to do is to stoke the flicker that may be floundering within. 

What would you attempt to do if you could guarantee your success? Have you ever considered this question? 

If not, may I take the liberty to insist that you designate a thinking spot where you can go to think? 

Yeah, you guessed it! 

I am trying to lure you to join me on my thinking journey. 

I have been reading John Maxwell’s book entitled ‘Thinking for a Change.’ 

So, I have two such designated spots.  

But my absolute favorite is to sit or stand by any body of water where I can look out at the expanse of the sky and consider the awesomeness of my Creator. 

He is my biggest inspiration. His presence fuels my aspirations. 

How can you position yourself this week to get a dose of Him, in all His awesomeness? 

I promise you, you may just get addicted. 

I have. 

Try it! And let me know how it goes. 

Even more, than you may realize, He longs to fan into flames the flicker with you. 

You are so worth the time that you carve out just to Aspire… 

And let me remind you to join us on Saturday, August 21, 2021, at 5 pm EST., as the Eve Speaks team dives into a robust conversation about how to build a stronger you. 

The goal is to help you learn the tools that will catapult you from ‘ZERO TO HERO’ during our Living Beyond the Splinter segment.   

Go ahead and register here. 

Isn’t it logical that if you are to aspire to bigger and better things you build a stronger relationship with yourself? 

I am certain that you agree. 

As always, I remain, 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

Angela Gibson 

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