Get excited with me. You could be the one! 

‘The one’ for what? 

I bet you know the answer to that. 

 Dig deep. 

Are you ‘the one’ for the thing you long for, and that you would do, have or become,  if only… 

Here, let me help you with your digging 🙂 

Think about your family, your history, your education, your mistakes… etc.  You fill in the _________________ (blank). 

Do you have a certain level of expectation based on these criteria for how far you can go or how much you can grow? 

Is the outcome for your future presumed to be fixed? 

You’re wrong and Society is wrong. 

Let me say that again. 

You are dead wrong! 


Because, I know something, you may have forgotten or don’t believe for you right now. 

Here it is… 

God who is the greatest healer ever is also the God of exception. 

He would love to make an exception out of you. 

You could be the exception to all the statistics, predicaments, studies, historical data that befall many. 

Here is a little back story on how HE moves. 

I was so tickled to read this 🙂 

In 1 Samuel 16 :13, this happened…. 

Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the presence of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.” 

 The back story is that God wanted one of Jesse’s sons to become King. So he sent Samuel, the prophet to inform Jesse that he needed to anoint one of his sons. But, Jesse only summoned seven of his eight sons to meet with the prophet. 

I am not sure exactly why any parent would do that. But I suspect it is because David was an outside child, so to speak… 

Anyway, let’s stay with the story… 

According to the scripture, the oil that Samuel had brought with him to anoint the replacement to Saul who was the reigning King at that time, would not flow when he tried to pour it onto the any of sons. And, not on the one,  that even he [Samuel, the prophet] thought would be the one. 

It was not until David was summoned from the field at the urging of Samuel who became perplexed that the oil would not flow on any of Jesse’s 7 recommendations. 

‘Surely, you have another son?’ he asked 

 David  was then fetched, reluctantly, by his own father to be introduced to Sammuel the prophet. 


We have a Heavenly Father. 

Do you feel overlooked, undermined, or have you made one mistake too many? 

Take heart in the fact that our Heavenly Father, is not restricted to your history, your illness nor anything else for that matter. 

He is our Papa! 

And he knows how to bring balance to the scales. He knows how to punish your enemies, the naysayers and the undercutters simply by letting them having to you watch you win. 

Read 1 Samuel 16 :13 again. Isn’t that what just happened with David and his brothers? 

All seven brothers plus his father had to watch the oil flow when Samuel began the pour. They had to watch David’s overflow. 

God wants to make an exception out of you too. 

He wants to see you Heal, Aspire & Grow

And, so do I. 😊 

You can start right now, right here.

Your Biggest Cheer Leader, 

Angela Gibson 

Growth Coach & Entrepreneur 

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