Are you a Transition person? 

Why would you want to become a Transition person? 

Heck, what does this even mean, you may be wondering? 

Let me tell you. 

First, you would dare to be a Transition person because it makes you a change agent. Imagine being the one in your family, in your circle of influence that has the guts to stand before the raging fire and say to all sort of generational curses and dysfunction, 

 ‘No more!’ 

The buck stops here. It stops with Me. 

You possess the power of choice to be that person. But do you have the grit to choose the road less traveled? 

By grit I mean, are you willing to take the initiative, to be proactive in leading yourself first so that you can carve out a path and leave a trail for others to follow? 

I am appealing to the highest version of you right now. 

How does this question make you feel? 

Scared?  Petrified? Ready? 

Whatever the emotion that has been stirred, it is of little consequence, because more powerful and superior to all our emotions is our powerful choice. 

Besides, aren’t you tired of living a reactive lifestyle? Instead of life acting upon you, what if you decided to act up on it?  

Do you know of someone who is like a can of soda that explodes when shaken up? 

Is that person you? 

That is just one example of what it means to live a reactive lifestyle. But what if you could learn how to respond from the inside out instead of the outside in.  

Just imagine.  

Yes you. A transition person that is no longer a part of the debris of shattered relationships, desperate finances, toxic friendships, unhealthy diet, and spiritual malfunction? 

Of course, it starts with your thinking. Everything does. Let your thinking lead you to unleash the impact of your powerful choice to become a Transition person. 

But first, get to know yourself a little better by scheduling your consultation to take the DISC personality assessment here with one of our coaches. 

Yes, I believe, you are the One. 

Our mission is to help you Heal. Aspire and Grow. 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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