Have you ever been audited? 

Most people get very nervous if they learn that the IRS would like to audit their taxes?

As a small business owner, I know first-hand the potential for great anxiety that this probability can cause.

Many times auditors show up unannounced, armed with varying degrees of interrogative measures.

‘Let me invite you over to interrogate me,’ says no one ever!

Have you ever wondered why that is?

I certainly have never volunteered for an audit. It has never even crossed my mind. Lol!

However, I do believe in auditing myself.

I think a regular self-evaluation is an expression of self-love. It communicates to my psyche that I care deeply about my well-being.

It’s me saying to myself, “Angela, I am your best friend,’ the best bestie’ you will ever have.

Are you your own ‘BFF’?

Too often I have found that we are eager to build relationships with significant others, parents, children, coworkers, bosses, etc., but give no real consideration to a strategy of how to befriend ourselves first.

Have you found this to be true?
Is it any wonder why there are so many splintered relationships?

Prioritizing relationships with others before ourselves is illogical. But we do it all the time. 

I have done it too. But I changed.

Do you need a plan to get strong at your broken places name?

Befriending me continues to be pivotal to my healing journey. I promise you that you too will find this to be true.

Anxiety cannot thrive in my space as long as I continuously practice mindfulness. A strong relationship with me affords me this opportunity.

On August 21, 2021, the Eve Speaks platform will be diving deeper into the theme of ‘Anxiety Awareness & Christianity,’ as we strive to Live Beyond The Splinter.  

We are going to explore the relationship between Anxiety and Self-love. 

It is time to prioritize this conversation if we are going to build healthy relationships with ourselves.

I hope you will join the conversation on August 21, 2021,
at 5pm EST. If you have not done so already, please register here.

Come with your questions, because great questions not only inform, but they also transform.

Isn’t it time you claim your transformation?

As always, remember, I am here to help you Heal. Aspire & Grow.

Your Biggest Cheerleader,

Angela Gibson

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