Honestly, I have never been one of those popular people; not in high school, not in college, and not now. I have made peace with being unpopular, but I did envy some of the perks that came with the popularity of my high school peers. 

For example, I was never the first choice for a sports team, nor to be part of the in-crowd. This left me isolated, lonely, and feeling ‘less than.’ But most of that is behind me now, thanks to my intentional growth journey. 

And if you would allow me a moment to brag, many of the then-in-crowd would probably want to trade places with me now. I have evolved into the poster child for ‘ugly duckling turned swan’ socially speaking 😊 

Are you adopting the thinking framework? 

I recently saw the following quote:  

“Thinking is hard work, that is why so few people do it.” 

This week, as we question the acceptance of popular thinking, I am particularly grateful. This skill is essential if I am to stay out of a rut. I am constantly forcing myself to give up, so I can go up.  It is the only way I can be sure that I will continue to grow up. 

Yes, I only do ‘up.’ 

Consider the detriment to society if Copernicus, the renowned astronomer, and mathematician had not challenged the popular thinking of his day that idolized previous research that claimed that the earth was flat? 

As popular as that belief was, thousands of years later, those believers were still wrong. And today we live with the truth that the earth is round.

And isn’t it comforting to know that we will not fall off the edge of the earth?  

Lol 😊 

So now that we have grasped the danger of pedestalizing popular thinking, let us emphatically uproot every and any trace of laziness that would threaten our willingness to question popular beliefs. We owe it to ourselves. 

You owe yourself the option to rise above average and to ditch mediocrity in every form – Your destiny expects you to dare. 

Go ahead, Dare Greatly. Schedule your first 2024 coaching session here. 

Your Biggest Cheerleader, 

The Eve Speaks Team 

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