How are you going to navigate the crises that you’re experiencing today?

I have outlined some nuggets to navigate yourself in this time of crisis.

First, you need to define what a crisis is from your perspective and your experience.

According to the Chinese language, a crisis is composed of two characters, one representing danger and the other, opportunity.

Basically it’s a feeling of being overwhelmed; so overwhelmed that you’re stuck. you’re paralyzed and you just can’t move on.

A very uncomfortable feeling which I think many of us can identify with at this point because most of us are stuck at home.

This idea of being stuck in a crisis or needing clarity in a crisis is the fact that we are definitely searching for relief and that’s probably our number one goal right now. To get relief.

Everyone wants to be relieved when they’re going through a crisis. The truth is there is always one main thing that interferes with reaching that goal. We’re seeking relief but what hinders us from getting the relief we crave?

I think one of the biggest things is the difficulty in managing your emotions. Fear is the main culprit and it is particularly harmful.

The purpose of our emotions is to alert us to things that are going on around us that we need to do something about. If we have had negative emotions, we’re going to see things from a negative perspective. It will be hard to focus on your environment. Learning to manage fear helps you to refocus so that you can see where you’re going and make the best possible choices of what’s available to you.

The number one goal is to overcome the fear that interferes with the clarity that we need.

If you can’t think of a healthy thought think of something good that you experienced that happened to you.

Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Once you’ve done that you have to invest time meditating on positive thoughts.

Instead of spending time meditating on a negative thought, could spend it meditating on the positive. Of course, this requires training. It is easier said than done. But it can be done.

Our minds have neural pathways. It’s like a train. The train doesn’t want to be derailed. So you have to fight but once you derail it and get back on the right track, then it becomes a little bit easier. Meditating on positive thoughts help. And not only meditation but affirmations. Let yourself hear you direct your mind.

I struggle with an anxiety disorder that has kept me stuck for many years..

“What if I go crazy?”

“ What if I’d schizophrenia?”

Thug thoughts.

An anxiety disorder is based on fear, a lot of fear. All the worst possible scenarios.

To fight back, I still look for scriptures to replace scary thoughts.

In Isaiah 26:3 it says “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.”

Then, I’d pray:

“God I don’t believe this is ever going to change, but I know you’re bigger than my thoughts. You created my ability to think, show me, help me because I do not know how to keep my mind on you.”

The ultimate answer to maintain clarity in crisis is to reprogram all negative thinking so that you see clearly what’s before you.

It’s really important to be able to have the relief you need so you can manage

your fear.  Then you too will be able to identify the opportunities that exist in the middle of the crisis.

There are always opportunities in the middle of a crisis.

We are in this pandemic and we are scared.  Perhaps, even terrified. And with good reason.

 Some of us are struggling with survivors’ guilt in addition to the fear.  We may wonder why I survived and someone else did not?

How about you?

Consider, what opportunities may be staring you down right now.

Can you think of anything or are you currently crippled by fear?

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