Can you believe it?  

The first third of 2022 is almost a memory. 

So, it is time to Pause on Purpose. 

 I pause to reflect — to extract the nectar from the lessons that are buried in my experiences. 

Have you scheduled time for reflection? 

What lessons have you learned so far in 2022? What have you learned about you? What is your next move? 

Will it be purposeful and accidental? 

Recently I read a quote that said, ‘unhappiness is not knowing what you want and killing yourself to get it.’ 

Those words gave me pause. 

So, the big question with all this talk about healing, aspiring and growing is whether we are going to focus on self-fulfillment or self-development.  

This distinction is an important one. Self-development is a means to an end. The end being to serve from your overflow because you have done the work on you. 

But self-fulfillment is only about you – your happiness, your career, your family, your agenda. 

Self-development is EVERYTHING! 

I recently read a quote that said, ‘unhappiness is not knowing what you want and killing yourself to get it.’ 

That gave me pause. 

I can remember the times in my life when I tried to grow, wanted to grow but did not know what to expect from my efforts. 

So, I meandered.  I dabbled. Today this, Tomorrow that… 

Can you relate? 

I was busy reading books, attended conferences and committed to church. These are all great things.  But I had I been purposeful I would have targeted the area that needed the greatest attention — self-development. 

So, it is not enough for us to want to grow, we must make a deliberate and determined effort to marinate in a holistic approach to growth. This is how we will make the greatest impact first on ourselves and then on others around us. 

This is fulfilment. This is significance. This is legacy building. 

And yes, growing self, first is the key that unlocks the ability to influence others. 

Just don’t stop there. 

Slow down. Pause. On. Purpose. 

What is your next move? 

I would love to hear about it. Schedule your consultation here

On the Eve Speaks platform, all we do, all day, every day, 365 days a year, is Heal, Aspire & Grow

Come grow with us. 

Your Biggest Cheer Leader, 

Angela Gibson

Life Coach & Entrepreneur

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