Happy Holidays!! 

So, Is your year-end reflection in progress?  

Mine is. 

I am reflecting on my personal growth and development.  

Unless I evaluate where I am, it is impossible to strategize on where I want to be and who I want to become in 2022. 

It has been said that ‘no wind favors him who has no destined port.’ 

You and I cannot change our destination overnight, but we can change our direction.  

I changed direction years ago to become deliberate, determined, and dogged about my growth.  

A single decision to return to school to finish my bachelor’s degree at 31 years old drastically impacted my perspective which affected the trajectory of my income, and several other areas of my life. 

One decision about one thing will affect many other things. The trick is to decide on your ‘ONE’ thing.  

There is no need to see the whole staircase, you just need to see the next step. 

What will that step be for you? 

I implore you to start with a growth plan for 2022. 

I am looking for five women to join my team who want to change direction. Will you be one of the five? 

If so, schedule your consultation here 

Like me, you may have taken some mis-steps in the past. You may be bruised and bleeding. And maybe your reflection is riddled with regret.  

But you are one of the fortunate ones; your soul’s music is still waiting on you.  

You’re are still breathing. 

So seize the opportunity to stop the bleeding. Bet on you. Gather yourself. 

 Take a dogged, deliberate, and determined step to plan your growth for the new year. 

C’mon girl, let’s step into the new year together. 

Shall I remind you of who I am? 

I am your Biggest Cheerleader ever! 


Angela Gibson 

Life Coach & Entrepreneur 

 Heal. Aspire. Grow. 

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